Steps to get us back to Colombia:
Cancel your current giving/donation with TEAM. Contact: donors@team.org
There are two different ways to accomplish the cancellation of your current giving. You can either call the TEAM Donor Support office or email the office staff. The quickest (and most efficient) way would be emailing Donor Relations and informing them that you would like to have them stop donations moving forward.
If you would rather speak to a person you may call 1-800-343-3144. There are several representatives that should be able to assist you in a process that should take no more than 5 minutes.
Begin giving through SAM: https://southamericamission.org/donate/missionaries/ballew-joel-and-angel/
Contact person: Paige Thompson paige.thompson@southamericamission.org
The donate section is on the bottom right-hand side of our personal web-page with SAM (link above). There you can decide on the amount by utilizing the amounts given or there is an option for “other.” Once you have gone through that prompt and you click “Donate $X.XX/month,” that will allow for monthly giving to be accepted. From there you will be taken to the next page which will reaffirm your previous page and allow you to proceed by pushing the “Proceed to Donation” page. The page(s) that follow will be information that needs to be collected and hopefully are self-explanatory.
Paige is an excellent point of contact and is prepared to help with anything SAM related. We have worked directly with her over the last few weeks and she is aware of the uniqueness of the situation.
Side Note: All donations to TEAM will be stopped effective March 31st, 2020. No matter if you have canceled them or not. If you have any problems with the above steps don’t hesitate to reach out to Angel or myself. We are happy to help!